Author Archives: Baldev Kumar Puri c/o AMX Detectives

Pre-employment verification

How are you familiar with the man who is beside you during the ride. Or the lady sitting beside you during the conference call on Monday? How do they have a connection with you? That’s why Pre-Employment Background Checks are the most important resource. You have a stake in ensuring that your employees are competent and have the qualifications they boast about having. Not recognizing until the truth too late that an employee did not disclose certain information can result in a negative, long-lasting effect on employees around them or customers, as well as your bottom revenue. As an employer that is committed to fostering and maintaining an environment that is healthy for employees You want your employees to feel confident working with people they can count on. The first step to maintain and strengthen the trust of your customers is to conduct thorough professional background checks before you hire prospective…

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Asset Verification

An Asset Verification Investigation involves the method of obtaining reliable information about assets, like assets, plants, or equipment, and confirming the location, status, and state of the assets. It is crucial that every company complete this process in the form of an Asset verification investigation. The method of verification is to perform a line-by-line reconciliation between assets records with assets discovered in inspecting physically. This can help you in finding hidden family assets, help prepare you for the possibility of suing someone, and many more. There are a variety of levels of searching for assets, starting from the basic search of public records to an extremely deep investigation of assets. What is the verification of assets? A verification process involves an investigation into the worth of the asset, its ownership and title, and possession of or charges to the assets. It defines the verification of assets as a procedure in…

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Missing Person Investigation

Missing person investigations, as well as search investigations, are conducted to trace someone, find out their location, and discover the contact information of a person. Even though it may be a case of a missing person with a suspicious motive, it could be as simple as someone who’s gone missing or an old friend you’ve lost contact with. There are numerous motives for you to require assistance in How to investigate missing persons. There are times when you need assistance from a professional that doesn’t involve the police. What are the main reasons that can lead to the investigation of a missing person? If a person is missing, the family begins to panic and ask questions everywhere, but they aren’t able to find the person they love by asking questions and posting photos on social media. A Missing Person Investigation is initiated when it is confirmed that the missing person…

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Marriage Counseling

Many couples have reported that counseling saved their relationship at a time when they were on the verge of separation, or even divorce. Can counseling help save a marriage? we all know its quite a difficult process and it requires a commitment by both partners In marriage counseling, couples are asked to talk about incidents in their lives and in their relationship that prompted them to seek out therapy. The process of processing these events can result in challenging emotions such as anger and discontent. This is why it could appear that the relationship is becoming worse before it improves. In this type of treatment, there aren’t fixed promises, however, the effectiveness of therapy is directly tied to the motivation of the two partners as well as their determination to stay at the forefront when things become difficult. How Can counseling help save a marriage? Another option to consider if…

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Fixed Surveillance

Nowadays many are have security systems in place to protect their homes and businesses. This means that they are aware of any form of overt or mechanical surveillance. There are many types of surveillance, beyond alarm detectors and stationary cameras. One of those is Fixed Surveillance. Surveillance investigations are used to gather evidence about applicants. A person who has claimed insurance will make an appearance of having suffered an injury or disability, but they can still be seen at home doing tasks that are impossible if they do not fit the physical restrictions. What is fixed surveillance? Fixed surveillance’s purpose is to verify candidate activities and determine whether the representative is acting within or outside the restrictions of the doctor. Fixed surveillance or stakeout is when the subject remains stationary. Surveillants can move about to ensure that the subject or area is being observed. If more than one surveillant is…

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Matrimonial detective services

Today, every fourth family in India has a divorce and the reasons for divorce vary for each family. However, the majority of divorce cases are due to having extramarital relationships and the background of the family. To stay clear of these negative effects, you can seek help from Matrimonial Detective Services. We all know that the decision to marry is crucial for anyone or their family. It’s a matter of two lives being together, and two families will have to join. Every man would like a beautiful girl, and every woman desires to have a successful and smart partner. The majority of people find their spouses on social media as well as matrimonial websites and other apps on the internet. They are able to view other people’s profiles as well as what they’ve written on in their profiles, but they aren’t able to know the complete truth about the person.…

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background check for marriage

A growing awareness is being shown about the importance of performing a background check before marriage. As arranged marriages are an integral part of Indian culture, background checks for marriage are prior to having to know their roots in the past! In earlier times, before an arrangement was made for marriage, background checks were conducted secretly by family members and neighbors. It was not a major issue and was part of the normal marriage process. Modern methods are available to conduct an arranged marriage background check. We’ll show you how you can be sure that you are not marrying con artists! A background check is an extensive verification of a person’s credentials. Background checks are typically done before major events, such as the hiring of a new employee or issuing a visa. Background checks are used to verify that claims have been authenticated and to determine the true nature of…

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Pre Matrimonial Enquiry

What Does Pre Matrimonial Enquiry mean? Pre Matrimonial Enquiry which is also known as a premarital investigation typically involves locating and reviewing personal, professional, and financial information on the subject of the investigation. Pre Matrimonial Enquiry is usually conducted by the professional detectives of reputed investigation agencies. They often collect information to settle your concern about getting married to the right person. They collect information about your would-be spouse to keep your future safe. Why is the need for Pre Matrimonial Enquiry Rising Rising cases of fraud and abuse, especially in the National Capital, increases the need for a pre-matrimonial enquiry. Following are the reasons pre matrimonial investigation has increased its importance. Protect yourself from post-marital abuse Marriage is a life lifetime decision and you cannot take it casually as you are planning to spend your whole life with your companion because the companion should be compatible to spend the…

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Divorce Case Investigation

Marriage can be a dream come true for many. But it can go downhill due to multiple reasons ending in a divorce. A difficult path to take on, divorce can be bitter for both parties, and sometimes, can even turn dark. There are several circumstances in which one party is ready for the divorce, and the other isn’t. There might also be cases of false allegations, hidden assets, issues with child custody, etc., that you might not be able to fight on your own with only your divorce lawyer beside you. And, so that you don’t have to feel alone in this heart-wrenching battle. You might never be able to know the reason for your divorce. This is where divorce case investigation comes into the picture.  5 Important Reasons to go for Divorce Case Investigation 1. Evidence is Essential When you are lawyered up and ready to visit the court,…

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Post Matrimonial Investigation

Marriage is considered a sacred bond throughout the global community. However, when the glitz and glamour of marriage rituals and the rose-tinted essence of the honeymoon period is over, things can take an uncanny turn. Although quarrels and bickering amongst conjugal partners are quite normal, too much of it can lead to an invisible distancing too hard to be broken. At times, even fights don’t lead to it. While infidelity in post-marriage may be one of the highest cases for a divorce, there might be other issues as well such as sexual orientation, arranged marriage, etc. that may leave your marriage cold. So, if you are wondering, here are 5 tell-tale signs that point at post matrimonial investigation for your marriage. Telling Lies One of the most common signs that you may need the help of private investigators for a post-matrimonial investigation is that your spouse turns into a compulsive…

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