What does a child custody investigator look for?

What does a child custody investigator look for?

Divorce is a tragic occasion, especially if children are involved and need to deal with the breakup. If two individuals choose to split up, it’s not just the spouses who suffer, but the children who experience a significant breakdown too. That’s when the child custody investigator are the most important resource.

The main issue with custody of children is decided in court. Usually, the parent suspect of neglect or abuse is not granted custody. Additionally, the possibility of whether the other parent has the right to have access to the kid is determined. These claims against parents can be either true or false but it is the most important element to determine if a child is eligible for custody and a spouse who is a victim of abuse or neglect could succeed in obtaining custody.

Therefore, it is important to hire a child custody investigator for post-marriage investigations.

Investigations into child custody: What to be aware of

It’s a difficult decision to choose the appropriate guardian for a child, and consequently, the primary goal of a private investigator is to discover what is the best option for the child. An investigation like this will guarantee that your child is in a secure custody setting and will give you evidence to prove your case in the courts of law. 

There is a variety of investigations into child custody. Legal custody for example lets a parent decide on the child’s behalf. Physical custody, however, lets a child live with only one parent. Sole custody is typically requested by parents, in which the child does not just live with a parent, but the parent is able to take legal decisions about the child’s affairs.

The factors a judge considers in making a decision on the custody of a child.

  • If there is evidence of child neglect or abuse
  • The parents’ financial stability
  • Lifestyle, health and the routines for parents’ lives
  • Criminal reports or a history of complaints
  • Smoking, alcohol, or other drugs
  • The emotional well-being of parents

There are a variety of other aspects that a judge will consider in deciding the fate that the baby.

What are the steps to conduct an investigation?

With the wellbeing of the child at the forefront of their job, our investigators gather evidence regarding the level of care given to a child by direct observation. Special attention is given to the ability of a parent to provide, not only the essentials in terms of clothing, food as well as shelter but also the appropriate stimulation, care, and security. Evidence is gathered through audio, video, or photographic as well as written techniques, and any concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing are carefully documented. Families, family members, and friends are questioned as are background checks conducted. 

The protection of children is essential for any investigation involving the area of child custody as are our detectives trained for indicators of alcohol or drug misuse, criminal activities or other problematic behavior, such as gambling or driving in an unsafe manner, or any other issue that may put a child’s safety in danger. The family environment is analyzed for appropriateness and suitability.

What are the possibilities for results?

There are a variety of Orders the court could make to ensure the custody of an adult of the child. However, they all result in these potential outcomes:

Joint parental responsibility:

It means both parents share an obligation to the child and are able to make decisions regarding the education and care of the child regardless of whether the child lives with a different person. If there is an argument, the resolution could be obtained via the justice system.

Physical custody or residence

This means that the court has ruled that a child lives with one or both parents, or with someone else and is not legally removed from the care of that individual.

Shared physical custody or residence 

In this option, both parents are in charge and the child spends the same amount of time with each parent.

The child’s best interests child is the sole consideration when deciding on child custody. AMX private detectives have experienced child custody investigator that assists in locating evidence that will help you obtain custody of your child. If you believe that your spouse isn’t able to look after the child or offer an appropriate and safe family environment, it is best to contact AMX. We will assist you to find the evidence and assist you in obtaining child custody.

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